Monday, December 31, 2007

new year's eve headache

not from eating these.
buying this package might have cost just over $500.

don't ask me about this today.
big headache right now
a new year's eve headache.

can talk about it in about two weeks.

in the meantime, all else seems to be well.
good things to you in the new year.

and to all.
a good night.


House Dreams said...

When I lost $90 (Threw away the newpaper that had rustled over the bills on the table) I decided that money means nothing.

$90 in the recycling.

Hope the head feels better.

Conn said...

this has me intrigued. $500? tell me more... when you feel better of course. happy happy new year.

Irene said...

were planning on going to Kirkwood's torchlight ski parade and fireworks display but locked ourselves out of the house while packing the car. Needless to say, we missed it waiting for a locksmith. Cost us $60. Happy New Year!

Lauren said...

i hope you savor every last bite of those mochi!

baffle said...

Thank you all very kindly for commiserating. If only empathetic comments could pay those no-gain-for-the-pain bills.