Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Today on Chincoteague Island...

the annual Chincoteague Pony roundup, swim and auction is taking place.
In a continuing effort to maintain an ecological balance of wildlife to local island resources, the Chincoteague Fire Dept. stages an annual auction of this breed of small horse. A set number of these feral ponies can be sustained in their wild Assateague island habitat without wreaking havoc to the health of the herds or their environment. The pony population has been maintained via an annual sale of (for lack of a better word)'surplus' ponies.
Foals are auctioned off, the proceeds go to the local Fire Dept., and the balance of natural resources to number of animals is kept in check. This popular event draws the community to come out to watch and particpate. (I wonder how the ponies feel about all this?).
Keeping the Big Picture in mind, this seems to me to be a good thing...?

Oooooh - the things you can learn on Animal Planet! In addition to what's going on at Chincoteague Island today and tomorrow, I also found out that the 1961 movie 'Misty' was based on a book of the same name by Marguerite Henry, and is all about this unique breed of pony and annual event!

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