Tuesday, November 04, 2008

for dinner tonight...

... comfort food.

Chinese bacon is savory, yummy, fatty.
Planning to cook some of it up in fried rice, with a generous sprinkling of green onions. I'll toss in chopped up scrambled eggs (it's more likely that I'll be scrambling the eggs in the pan with the meat). A handful of peas for color.
Fresh ground pepper, soy and oyster sauce for additional flavouring.

Cooking tip: Many Chinese restaurants in this country toss in a pinch or two of granulated sugar into the almost completed dish, then stir the rice mix a few times to fully incorporate the flavours. The sweetness from the added sugar is barely detectable, but adds appeal for the 'Western palate'.

To offset all the fat and salt, I'll be serving the rice with a heaping helping of plain steamed zucchini.

Then - maybe a ice cream sundae for dessert.
A big sundae. With chocolate sauce, whipped cream, toasted almonds, and a maraschino cherry to top it off.

Comfort foods.
For today is absolutely, as has been stated - an historical one.

A day fraught with excitement and anxiety.

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