Sunday, November 23, 2008

Salmon Scales

Let's talk fish.
Store bought.

Why is it that salmon I purchase from the grocery store - not have scales completely removed?
I have a bone (rather, a scale or twenty) to pick with butchers who fail to completely
descale salmon. Whassamada you no scale mo bettah?

Few enjoy a meal of salmon with scales attached.

Attempting to scale a fish when the meat has already been sliced and exposed is no easy task.
Scales flick all over the place, landing in the flesh. The piece of fish has to be rinsed in order to remove the flicked-off scales = water on the fish flesh = watery fish flesh = less flavour when cooked.

Faced with a partially scaled salmon, I often end up slicing the fish skin off completely. Trying to remove the skin without also shaving off a good deal of the meat is quite the challenge. I can wield a sharp knife with the best of 'em and get the job done, but hey - this is NOT my idea of a good time (grumble grumble).

A friend suggested an after-the-fact approach. First, cook the salmon, then remove and discard the dreaded scaly skin. I think this a poor solution for several reasons - one being that scales can harbor bacteria. Bacteria abounds on our foodstuff without deliberately cooking it directly in.

Still, there are those who don't mind a bit of fish scale with their fresh salmon.

1 comment:

House Dreams said...

My gosh!
Did you see that raven boldly sneaking a bite?
Right under the bear's jaw!
The nerve!