Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'm not about to admit defeat - just yet.
But all the merging/purging going on around this house for the past months is - yes - finally - getting to me.

The house is progressing, ever so slowly but surely, into an environment that is a bit more simplified. Things around here are finally making sense. I may soon be able to cook a meal or work on a project without turning the place upside down and inside out looking for the necessary supplies.

The place is looking good.
However, I have become, in the process, rather haghausted.
(hag + exhausted = haghausted)

After I get through the last phase of the First Phase of Re-Organization, I really must address my own physicality.


House Dreams said...

Now THAT'S the way to exercise!
If you can't go riding, that is...

Anonymous said...

I was drawn to the illustration you chose to reflect your state of haghaustion: I know that I'd seen it before. It took a moment for me to recall that it actually is a duo image. On one hand, the haggard, long nosed, sharp chinned woman. On the other,the demur high cheek boned, Audrey Hepburn necked lady, turned away from the illustrator and facing to the left. See her? As such, perhaps a reflection of our duo nature: Haggard from the one angle, graciously beautiful from the other.

baffle said...

Yep, that's the duo-image, alright. I've always been intrigued by it, and thought it so apropos for this post.

Depending on my level of haghaustion, I sometimes see only the young lady, other times just the hag.

Right now I see both - which is just about how I'm feeling today.