Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Lest we forget...

We should not overlook the fact that for many will not be a merry happy joyful best season of the year holiday time this month.

It will be:

They may be:
- Wanting for basic comforts: shelter, food, support of family/friends.
- Overwhelmed with missing someone who is temporarily absent or permanently gone.
- In need of (and not in receipt of) attention/ acknowledgement/validation of their existence.

The commercial (as well as emotional) OVERABUNDANCE at holiday time may only serve to magnify feelings, wants and needs that are not in keeping with the obligatory merry-making and joyfulness of the season.

Though they may wish to, not everyone has the facility to jump on the Happy Holidays bandwagon...

'The Pain on Christmas Eve' artist: Asbjorn Lonvig

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coolest painting!!! Gooey!