Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Get back

It's time.
For me to get back to some serious art-making, crafting, painting, cooking, reading et cetera.

Hopefully, all the recent effort put into home reorganization will fire up the creative muse.

Taking inventory of art supplies, perusing files of 'inspirational ideas' clipped from magazines, cleaning out kitchen cabinets (again!) and sorting through exciting titles in the home library. Paring down and looking at all the raw materials before me may help with settling firmly into a Just Do It Groove...

As summer slides towards autumn, I am awash with the urge to cozy down, make plans, reach for new goals and re-energize.
I want to be more productive in the forthcoming months.

Spend quality time with people I enjoy.
Nurture my existing relationships and cultivate new ones.

Keep an open mind towards learning, create positive experiences, share my enthusiasm, do a lot of joyous laughing.

Also - take time for quiet introspection.

Curb my biatchyness (just a bit, for I am largely defined by it. Perhaps I will biatch
with more aplomb and less vindictiveness...yes yes...a worthwhile goal...).

Get back to working at being a better me.

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