Sunday, October 22, 2006

a little dusting. a little more dusting. a little...

more dusting - because our house gets so dang dusty. Dusting is so much easier with a Swiffer Duster (you really must check out the demos in the right-hand column!)

Vacumning. Using the vacumn cleaner attachment to get into those hard to reach corners of the carpet, baseboards and furniture. Cleaning the glass surfaces. Furniture polish on the wood surfaces. De-webbing (everything). Cleaning ceiling fan blades (before today: nevah hoppen!). Wiping down the leather furniture with leather cleaner. Getting rid of old food in the fridge. Going through bathroom drawers/ cabinets and dumping past-date pills, ointments and old make-up. Re-filling liquid soap dispensers. Weeding through the magazine basket to rid it of redundant catalogs and mags not worth another read. Watering indoor plants, refilling bird feeders, sweeping off the front porch...

The house needed a cursory clean-up, and today was designated 'give it a onceover' day. HD and I worked on the housecleaning together (OMG, it's so much nicer to clean in tandem). We quit after 4 hours and took a drive down the hill for a fast food reward: In-N-Out cheeseburgers (OK, fries, soda and a shake too).

There's still more to do: scrub sinks and tubs, clean toilets and wash floors.
But I won't think about that now, I'll think about that tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

hi b

sadly this cleaning stuff never ends, does it? but boy, doesn't it really feel good when things are all nice and tidied up?
i'm still in chaos, with DH, painting....yeah..still. well you know, i've told you oft times how long it takes dear old hubby to do honey-do projects. so furniture is relocated to different rooms, and those many buckets are still all over the place, but i've been assured that it will be all done by week's end. we'll see.


House Dreams said...

ooooooooooh, that's a frightening bit about cleaning, just in time for Halloween!
I had to clean the art room because I couldn't get in.
My coffee table is piled high with books and magazines, but I'm proud that they are stacked neatly.
I will put them away when I can no longer see the tv.

baffle said...

Buckets decorated for the holidaze, ever think of that?
A bit of ribbon, rickrack trim, glitter...

A good good thing = Books and mags stacked neatly so they don't go tumbling down when people use the coffee table for an ottoman or extra seating. Or when a very pretty very tall very affectionate red dog goes dashing about the room looking for someone to lean against.

BTW, part 2: our floors and bathrooms never got cleaned. Typical H-A (half-ass).