Saturday, November 18, 2006

I'm so confused!

Heather? Barbie? Barbie? Heather?

But y'know, it's been a long day...


Anonymous said...

who put my face under barbies hair??
actually, that is kind of scary...
but barbie does represent what america deems as in point...locklear. personally, i think being a blond bombshell is highly overrated! i think the dark haired, slightly curvy...oh ok, overly curvy, non-symmetrically aligned face, is much more appealing. and, of course, i know first hand, being one of those imperfect beauties!!


baffle said...

Adding to my confusion that day:
Is it Barbie?


House Dreams said...

BTW, an uncle worked w. Einstein at Princeton. He said Einstein's wife painted the front door red so he could find the right house!

lots of painting were given away to family last year. Ya want one?

baffle said...

Hi justducky!
I think you meant to post this comment under my To-Do list for Sunday, right? Not by a longshot do I see the connection with Barbie-Heather. Heehee. Just funnin' wid ya!

My answer to the 'lots of painting given away...last year' do I want one - is - YES! YES PLEASE!